Did I know how today was going to turn out when I woke up this morning? No, and let me tell you why I love that.
I grappled with the option of going out or staying in last night. Of late, it would be pretty typical of me to stay in, grab some knitting and plant on the couch for the rest of the night. But I went out, hung out with a drunk friend and had some pretty eye-opening conversations. So I woke up this morning with big plans to clean and lay low for the entire day, but my best-laid plans went by the wayside and I ended up enjoying all Fayetteville has to offer.
The Farmer's Market started on the square today, so me and the dog baby headed downtown to check out what they had to offer. Suzie apparently did not feel like being an a$$ hole like she usually is, and was super friendly, precious and well-behaved. So much so that I was able to take her to lunch with me, and she sat next to me and shared an order of French fries.

Then I went to the baseball game and watched the Razor-bats (as I cleverly coined today) beat the Kentucky Wildcats (maybe??) 10 to 1. Or at least I think that was the final score, I had a few beers in the sun, and we all know what that does to the memory. Now I get to go hang out with some friends I haven't seen in forever.
What a beautiful day! These days are the reason I live in Fayetteville, and furthermore, are the reason I still love living here. Good people, good food, good baseball and precious pups. I really couldn't ask for more.
CURRENT KNITTING: I started working on the smocking part of my new sun dress. It doesn't look good. 321 cast on stitches and one row of shoddy ribbing after a glass of wine really makes me disappointed about the start I got on the dress. My bible, the Reader's Digest Complete Guide to Needlework advises to knit one 3x1 ribbed piece twice the desired width of the complete project. So, without knowing the elasticity of a finished piece of smocking, I measured an already smocked sun dress and based my measurements off of that. So after I did all the math, casted on, and knit that difficult first row, I figured out it was FUBAR-ed and I set it down and went out. We'll repair that later.
I finished a hat for baby Ellie, who I get to see this upcoming weekend. It looks a lot like her hat that I made for her when she was born, in that it is knit in garter stitch with the same line of yarn in a different color. Only this time it isn't going to have a flower on the side. This time, I am including a felt cut out of something, and I am affixing it with embroidery thread and probably some fusing backing.
I am concerned that the hat itself is too short for her noggin, it looks like it might be, and I have no idea how big babies' heads are. Hell, the last hat I made for her I measured on a decorative gourd. I need to borrow someone's baby for measurement, anyone know a 3 month old baby willing to be my guinea pig? You will get to see a photo of the finished product on Ellie. Hopefully she will have a few chances to wear the hat before she outgrows it. I know there isn't really much need for a baby beanie in the California sun.
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