Monday, March 29, 2010

Ideal knitting destinations

UPDATE: It is no longer raining in Fayetteville. It is beautiful and sunny. I wrote this 3 days ago.

So it is still raining in Fayetteville, and after the foot of snow we got on Monday melted (yes, I know it is March), and the three inches of rain we are getting today, I will have to be careful not to get whisked away in the raging river that is flowing outside of my apartment. And though I would like to be at home knitting or napping the day away, there is something peaceful about being at work when the weather is gloomy, knowing that at least I am not wasting a sunny day trapped behind a computer screen.

If today was a Saturday, and I didn't have to work, and I didn't have any other social commitments, I would likely spend the day knitting or doing some sort of craft. Preferably with a drink. So, since I have long finished my work tasks for today, I think I will let my mind slip off into another knitting daydream and visit all of my favorite places to knit and craft.

Right now I should be on my couch, covered in a blanket with my puppy by my side, working on the striped socks. There would likely be a crime show on TV because Law & Order's Dick Wolf made a deal with Cox Communications that a variation of the show must be on at least one channel every hour of every day, and sometimes two channels, especially on holidays.

I could also spend the afternoon anywhere on Dickson Street knitting in a bar. Few things are more hypnotic than straight knitting after several cocktails, plus it is a great conversation starter for meeting other lushes who are spending their early afternoons drinking and not working. Yep, I'm going to be one of those old ladies who sits around sipping wine and crafting hundreds upon thousands of knitted teddy bears for no one. I should just schedule a standing date in 2050 for Hoarders and the 1-800-Got-Junk crew of hotties to show up at my house and free me from my prison of hand made caca. With new 3-D TV, that episode should be really frightening. (Genius Idea: Flat knitted "hoarder" cat to lay around the house, it serves no purpose, but will be made of fun fur and an old button for the eye).

If it wasn't raining and there was a baseball game in town, it might be nice to knit in the outfield of Baum Stadium before the game starts. Knitting outside anywhere is usually very pleasant, but it is nice to have the baseball game going on as a distraction. Oh yeah, don't forget the kettle corns, and the occasional terrifying visit from Ribby the Razorback and the RBI skanks.

Knitting is inherently relaxing so pairing it with a place I love makes it even better. Toss a drink and some good friends in the mix and you have an afternoon well spent, plus you have a hand made garment, as a souvenir. How and where would you spend an ideal afternoon crafting?

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